Tuesday, October 23, 2012

About Us

FabTeeZ is a husband and wife team. The husband is a banker by day and screenprinter by night. He claims that he is good with his hands and thus not allowing the wife to touch the screenprinter. The wife is an architect by day and biz-owner-wannabe by night. She always needs an outlet for her creative juices and FabTeeZ combines her passion of good design and the desire of owning a business.

FabTeeZ brain trust consists of Ms. E and Mr. M.

Ms. E

Ms. E is a vivacious young girl who is a gifted dancer and math whiz.

Mr. M

Mr. M can talk for hours and in his very own words "He is not available to do any work at pre-school because he is too busy". He also thinks he is Superman who can fly and save Ms. E from bad guys.

Our brain trust gives us life and inspirations, love and laughter, and best of all the reason to enjoy life and take it one day at a time! 

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